Street Fighter 5 will be available on Linux & SteamOS

Just a quick Heads Up: Street Fighter V will launch on SteamOS & Linux this spring! Our little neck of the woods is starting to see more and more support with each season and this title is of note not only because it’s an extremely well known (and loved franchise) but because it’s one of the few Combat/Fighting game available for our platform. Windows and Consoles have their share of Fighting games (Mortal Kombat, Injustice) while Linux has seen very few games in that genre since, well, forever!

Minimum System requirements for Windows list NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 so for all you Brix Pro Owners, this fits right into your ball park assuming that Intel will be supported. There is a huge trend of only offering support for NVIDIA right now)! Check out Gaming On Linux‘s article for more details and reactions from it’s community!


Source: The Boss’s article on Gaming on Linux!

XCOM 2 – Performance aggregator

Yesterday I recommended that people with SteamOS/Linux should hold out on getting XCOM 2 if they were running a Intel or AMD GPU. Well, turns out that even those on nVidia (the officially supported GPU for our neck-of-the-woods) are having problems with the game! Multiplayer isn’t the only cross-platform thing for the game as performance issues seem to affect everyone. I made a list of reddit posts, articles and tweets with reports and tips from people that already had/have the game!

/u/import-THIS complains about input/action lag on reddit. The post contains some benchmarks from /u/Eriner_, as well as some fixes for missing audio. [Link]

/u/johnhue started a threat where people post their builds and performance! Give it a glance and see if your rig can handle it. [Link]

/u/niserox posted some ini tweaks you can perform to gain some more juice! [Link]

On /r/xcom, users began posting ways to edit configuration files to speed up animations! [Link]

Another /r/xcom post with tips to get better milage from your CPU and GPU. A windows users recommend nVidia features as 3D Vision Drivers and Streamer Service. Post contains information and stats on performance (FPS, CPU status) from a wide range of hardware. [Link]

TheBoss from my favorite Linux gaming news site (GamingOnLinux) took XCOM 2 for a spin. You can read his report (benchmarks, impressions, Linux version review) [here].

GoL’s own Samsai takes XCOM 2 for a spin on an R7 370 AMD card using both open source and proprietary drivers! How does it fair? Check out his review/opinion! [Link].

SegmentNext posted an article on common issues that people might have with the game such as Out-of-sync audio, impossibility to input a name, crashes to desktop, missing save file, screen flickering and 4K support just to name a few. [Link]

From twitter, Tornis (game streamer and all around great guy) is posting about his performance issues, love and general experience with XCOM 2. He is playing the game on windows but, as I said, issues are cross-platform (most of them). Check out his tweets bellow (first two are some “PSA/Tips’ from him. The other two, might have some profanity in them, you’ve been warned):

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PSA: XCOM® 2 unlocks in 7 hours on SteamOS – AMD and Intel are not supported – yet!

Great news everyone, XCOM 2 is about to deploy to everyone in 7 hours! I have spent over 50 hours playing the last XCOM (enemy unknown), 30-40 of them where on my Steam Machine (Gigabyte Brix Pro)! So I’m understandably excited for the sequel. However, I have a small PSA for you guys: At launch time, AMD and INTEL GPU’s are not supported. I repeat, Intel and AMD GPU’s are not supported! So you might want to temper your expectations for a bit and wait until official support for non-nvidia gpu’s come our way!

system-requirements_xcom2Head out to the game’s Steam page for more details! If you do end up taking it for a spin on PC/Steam Machine with Intel/AMD GPU let me know on twitter!